
BC Booklook Magazine Sept 2016
Marion “Mugs” McConnell of Scotch Creek in the Okanagan was first introduced to yoga as a teenager in 1973 and has practiced yoga ever since, teaching since 1978, having studied with Swami Vishnu-devananda.

BC Yoga Magazine Dec 2018
CLASSICAL YOGA IN MODERN TIMES: MARION “MUGS” MCCONNELL CARRIES FORWARD TRADITION. It is a milestone achievement for Marion “Mugs” McConnell as she celebrates her 40th year as a yoga instructor. As one of Canada’s pioneer yoga practitioners, her long career in the field is nothing short of impressive. “Mugs”, as she prefers to be called, has been instrumental in bringing classical yoga teachings to modern times, ensuring the benefits of the deeper practices are not lost.
Podcasts & Radio Shows
“This is an extraordinary book. It is a shining jewel. Truly, it is priceless. You have found buried treasure… I have known Mugs for quite a few years now. I am thrilled she is passing on the teachings she has garnered and cherished from her teacher. These are the teachings that Hari received via personal letters and correspondence with many of the yoga giants of his time.”
“This jewel of a book is a fitting tribute to a great soul, offered lovingly by his dedicated student. How fortunate that the yogic knowledge he gained from many revered teachers has been preserved so carefully and faithfully that it can enrich the lives of many spiritual seekers who otherwise would never have known of him.”
Letters from the Yoga Masters: Techniques
“Some things should never be lost. Letters from the Yoga Masters is a uniquely valuable book containing wisdom and advice from most of the well-known and respected yoga masters of India in the twentieth century. McConnell has done a commendable job preserving this knowledge and presents the stories and teachings in a very entertaining way.” Bernie Clark, author of Yinsights: A Journey into the Philosophy and Practice of Yin Yoga.